A Raccoon’s Guide to Humane Removal
1. Raccoons 101
Raccoons are smart, resourceful and curious. They can thrive in any environment. As nocturnal animals they are most active at night using their sense of smell and hearing to navigate and find food. They are excellent climbers and can scale trees, fences and even the sides of houses to get to food or shelter.
Raccoons are attracted to food sources like pet food, bird seed and garbage which often brings them into residential areas. They are also drawn to water sources like ponds or streams making suburban backyards a sweet habitat. Knowing what attracts raccoons and how they behave is key to deterring them from your property. While raccoons generally avoid humans they can become aggressive if they feel threatened or if they are protecting their young. By knowing what attracts raccoons and how they behave you can take proactive steps to keep them from making your house their home.
If you and your friend are hiking and a bear starts chasing you, remember—you don’t need to outrun the bear, just your friend.
The same logic applies to raccoon control: you don’t need a pest proof home, just one that’s less appealing than your neighbour’s. If 10 houses are on the street and half have raccoon deterrents it’s pretty clear which attics the raccoons will be turning into their Airbnbs
Raccoons with their bandit masks and nimble paws might seem cute at first glance. But these wild animals can wreak havoc on your property from trashing your garden to getting into your home and attic. They can carry fleas, ticks and lice and with their potential to spread diseases like rabies it’s important to take measures to deter and remove them.
2. Raccoon Activity and Raccoon Droppings
Hearing strange noises at night? Your bird feeder is always empty? You think raccoons have moved into your house? You see brown fur coming out of your soffit? Before you can take action to get rid of raccoons you need to confirm they are there. If you think raccoons are in your area it’s important to identify their activity before you take action to get rid of them. Look for:
- Tracks: If you find raccoons are visiting your home identifying their tracks can be a good step in confirming your suspicions. Raccoons walk flat footed unlike other animals that walk on their toes. Their tracks will have five toes in a slightly splayed shape. But remember raccoon tracks can look like other animals like skunks or opossums. Look for other clues like claw marks or pathways to food sources to confirm raccoons are visiting your home. By taking the time to identify raccoon tracks you’ll be better equipped to prevent their unwanted visits in the future.
- Droppings: Have you seen unusual tubular droppings around your home lately? They might belong to the nighttime trouble maker: the raccoon. But why should you care? Well for starters raccoon droppings can carry diseases like roundworm eggs that can be transmitted to humans and pets. Raccoons use specific areas as latrines so piles of droppings can accumulate in the same spot, also known as raccoon latrines. The droppings are dark in colour and may have undigested food particles. If you see these droppings be sure to take precautions when handling them and call a professional for removal.
- Noises: Raccoons are becoming a problem in many areas and it’s important to know how to identify their presence. One telltale sign of these masked bandits is the thumping in your attic especially at night. Raccoons love to explore and scavenge at night as they are nocturnal. They can find access points to your home and once they do they will make themselves at home in your attic. The problem is their noisy antics will keep you up at night for the next few weeks. You need to identify the source of the noise and take action, like calling Affordable Wildlife Control for raccoon removal.
- Damage: Raccoons are notorious trouble makers and they can cause significant damage to your home. One of the most common ways raccoons leave their mark is through access points around the house. These can be damaged shingles, ripped screens or gaps around windows and doors. Once they get in they will target your trash bins and garbage cans which are like treasure to them. Don’t be surprised to find them all over your yard with raccoons leaving their dirty paw prints behind. You may also see nesting material around your property like shredded paper or insulation. This means they have moved in and it’s time to take action to prevent further damage. Be sure to check your compost bins as well as raccoons can make a mess when looking for food. By knowing how to identify raccoon damage you can protect your home and keep these pests away.
3. Preparing for Raccoon Removal
Before you try to remove raccoons from your property you need to prepare the area and take precautions. Here are the steps to follow:
- Secure Trash Cans and Pet Food Containers: Raccoons love to rummage through garbage bins for food. Use raccoon proof trash cans or secure lids with bungee cords to prevent access. Store pet food in sealed containers and don’t leave it outside overnight.
- Remove Food Sources: Clear your yard of fallen fruit, bird seed and any other food waste that may attract raccoons. If you have bird feeders consider using ones with thin poles that raccoons can’t climb.
- Trim Trees and Shrubs: Raccoons are great climbers and can use overhanging branches to get to your roof or attic. Trim trees and shrubs regularly to reduce access points.
- Install Deterrent Devices: Motion activated sprinklers or ultrasonic repellent devices will startle and deter raccoons from approaching your property.
- Wear Protective Clothing: When handling raccoon droppings or nesting material wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from disease.
It’s also important to know what type of raccoon problem you have. If you have a mother raccoon with babies, it’s best to call a professional animal removal service to ensure the safe removal of the family. This will not only protect the animals but prevent further complications.
2. Preventative Measures to Prevent Raccoons
Preventative measures are key to raccoon control. Try:
- Secure Trash Cans: Raccoons love to rummage through garbage bins for food. Use raccoon proof trash cans or secure lids with bungee cords.
- Remove Food Source: Don’t leave pet food outside, this will attract raccoons for sure and pick up any fallen vegetables in your garden and the same if you have fruit trees as dropped fruit attracts raccoons. Keep any outdoor cats inside for now and if you have bird feeders use the kind with thin poles as they are harder to climb and sweep up any bird food on the ground.
- Trim Overhanging Branches: These wild animals are great climbers and can use branches to get to your roof or attic. Trim any hedges or bushes against your home as well.
- Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home regularly for cracks, holes or any other entry points – if you find raccoons have already gained access to your roof you need to act fast. For fast and efficient service contact Affordable Wildlife Control to seal them over with heavy wire mesh and a one way exit door.
3. Humane Removal Methods
As a wild animal raccoons have little to no control over their actions especially when it comes to seeking warmth and food. Mother raccoons with recently born babies will be more persistent and less likely to be deterred by repellent products, that’s why managing raccoon encounters when young are involved is a challenge. So killing raccoons for being in the wrong place at the wrong time is not only cruel but unfair to them. It’s not their fault they seek refuge in suburban areas or homes. Raccoon traps are set by concerned homeowners who want to get rid of these animals but they don’t realize the consequences of their actions. Killing raccoons unnecessarily is not kind and does more harm than good. There are plenty of humane ways to deal with raccoons that don’t involve killing them and as humans we owe it to these animals to treat them with respect by finding ways to handle them or relocate them safely. If raccoons have already taken up residence in your property consider the following humane removal methods to have raccoons removed safely:
- Live Traps: Trapping raccoons and moving them away is not the best option and should be used as a last resort. Use a humane live trap baited with marshmallows, fruits or canned tuna. Once caught relocate raccoons off your property. This method is not recommended due to the high number of raccoons in Southern Ontario. There’s no point in trapping adult raccoons one at a time and moving them off. Local regulations may say you can only move it just under one kilometre away and they will find their way back. Also if you move them far away you could be removing a mother raccoon from her babies which could result to a litter of dead raccoon kits in your attic or chimney or worse under your deck or shed.
- One-Way Doors: Affordable Wildlife Control will screen over the opening and install a one-way door at the entry point so the raccoons can leave but not re-enter and they can wire mesh over other vulnerable areas thus solving your raccoon problem. If it’s baby season they will do an interior attic search and remove any babies by hand.
- Exclusion Fencing: Fencing around your garden or into the ground on specific areas like decks, sheds and porches to prevent raccoons from digging underneath.
4. Natural Repellents to Deter Raccoons
Several natural repellents can be used to deter raccoons:
- Ammonia: Raccoons hate the smell of ammonia. Soak rags in ammonia and place them near their activity areas. Put the rags in a pail or bucket and saturate them. You can also place them at the bottom of any trees raccoons climb.
- Sauces, Pepper Sprays and other Household Items: There are natural and humane ways to keep these cheeky critters away. Hot sauce, water, cayenne pepper, vinegar and even used cat litter are all effective repellents that can be sprayed around areas raccoons frequent. Sealing off crawl spaces and keeping compost piles contained will also make them feel unwelcome in your space. Just remember to spray these repellents frequently so they don’t lose their effectiveness over time. With a little persistence you can make these nocturnal visitors feel unwelcome and stay raccoon-free. Mix a bottle of hot sauce with water and spray around the exterior of your house, in your garden, along your fence line and your trash bins. Cayenne pepper works well if mixed with water to make a paste. You can place vinegar soaked rags around the exterior of your home. Used or dirty cat litter can be sprinkled about outside as well. Predator urine can be purchased, apply it around your yard and it will make the raccoons think a predator is nearby.
- Motion-Activated Sprinklers: These will startle and deter raccoons when they approach your property and the water spray will discourage raccoons from coming closer.
- Install Bright Lights: Raccoons don’t like bright light, it may help to repel raccoons if you install one.
5. Professional Animal Removal Service
When all else fails or if the raccoon infestation is severe it’s best to call a professional:
- Wildlife Control Professional: AAA Affordable Wildlife Control, a professional animal removal service, will remove raccoons humanely and effectively.
- Pest Control Companies: They offer full service solutions, removal, cleanup and prevention.
Conclusion Raccoons can be pesky neighbors but with the right knowledge and tools you can deter and remove them from your property. Always go humane and seek professional help when needed. By following the steps in this guide you will be raccoon free in no time.
8. More Info
- Health Risks: Raccoons can carry rabies, leptospirosis and distemper. Handle with care and avoid direct contact when possible.
- Raccoon Droppings: Contain roundworm eggs which are harmful to humans and pets. Always wear protective clothing and follow proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures when dealing with raccoon droppings.
- Predator Urine: Products like coyote or fox urine can be used to deter raccoons. But effectiveness of these products varies so follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
- Remove Attractants: Raccoons are discouraged by removing attractants such as pet food and bird seed. Clean up food waste regularly and secure trash cans so raccoons can’t find an easy meal.
- Act Fast: If you have a raccoon problem address it quickly to prevent further damage to your property and your family and pets.
By following these tips and considerations you can deter raccoons from your property and prevent future problems. Remember the key to raccoon control is a combination of prevention, humane removal and professional help when needed.