Affordable Pigeon Removal

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Bird Removal – Pigeon Removal Using Pigeon Spikes – Affordable Bir Removal Services Toronto, Ontario.

Affordable Pigeon Removal Toronto

Our affordable wildlife removal staff are specially trained to perform pigeon removal services in the most humane ways possible. We will locate the birds’ entry points and nesting areas and show them to you. We will also assess the best method of bird removal depending on the location. Bird spikes work great for pigeons when installed correctly. You won’t pay the absolute highest service charges for our affordable raccoon removal, squirrel removal and Pigeon Removal Services. You will get the best quality materials installed by experiences technician with great wildlife removal Toronto reviews.

Pigeon Removal Toronto - Pigeon Spikes
Pigeon Removal Toronto – Pigeon Spikes

Pigeon Removal Toronto – Using Bird Spikes to Deter Pigeons

Having a bunch of pigeons roosting on your rooftop or oversized window ledges can be unpleasant. The constant cooing can become extremely annoying, particularly if the number of pigeons living there is more than a dozen. Plus, the daily dropping of excrement all over your yard and building poses a health risk while also creating an ugly mess. The best option you have is to hire a wildlife removal specialist to take away the pigeons, clean up the mess, and install bird spikes to deter pigeons from choosing your location as their nesting place.

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Types of Pigeon Spikes

Bird spikes come in stainless steel and plastic versions. Typically, they are available in 2-foot sections that simplify the installation process of gluing, screwing, or tying down the spikes. In addition to spikes that can fit on ledges, eaves, and roofs, specially designed spikes are available for placement on rain gutters. The spikes are attached to the edges of the gutter, preventing the pigeons from having enough room to land and/or build their nests.

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How Do Pigeon Spikes Work?

When bird spikes are installed, they create an uneven surface that prevents pigeons from landing on the area. Therefore, the birds move to a different area in search of a flat surface to build their nests. In order for this to be an effective solution to your pigeon problem, you must install bird spikes on all areas of your home or business that might provide a landing spot for the pigeons.

Benefits of Installing Bird Spikes to Deter Pigeons

Choosing bird spikes as a pigeon deterrent offers the following advantages:

  •  Long-lasting solution to keep pigeons away
  •  Spikes are resistant to sun and weather damage
  •  Effective solution that works as soon as the spikes are installed
  •  Humane resolution to a pest problem
  •  Easy installation for most types of surfaces
  •  Can be used on curved surfaces as well as flat ones
  •  Prevents birds from nesting wherever the spikes have been installed
  • Non-intrusive solution to wildlife problems

Pigeon spikes can be used to keep pigeons from nesting on roofs, eaves, attics, and window ledges. They are designed to offer an effective, long-lasting solution to a pest problem that has become more common in the last few decades. While it is possible to install this type of device on your own, you might want to consider hiring Bird Removal Toronto Specialists to do so for you, particularly if pigeons have already begun to roost at your location.

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Pigeon Removal Toronto
CAD 250
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