My Dog Got Skunked and the House Smells! What Can I do?

My Dog Got Skunked
My Dog Got Skunked

Skunk Spray and Dogs

It’s a nightmare only pet owners can relate to – your beloved furry friend getting skunked. Not only does the scent stick to their fur, but it also can cause temporary loss of sight if the sprays get into their eyes. And unfortunately, the smell doesn’t stop there. The scent can seep into your home, leaving your nose and visitors’ noses assaulted by the strong, musky smell. Fortunately, home remedies can help rid your dog of the skunk odour and eliminate the persistent smell from your house. With some elbow grease and patience, your home will smell fresh again, and your beloved pet will be skunk-free. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on what to do when your dog has been skunked and how to get rid of the persistent smell from your home.

The Skunk Encounter: Understanding the Problem

  • Why Do Skunks Do This: Imagine you’re walking your dog on a cool summer evening, enjoying the peacefulness of the outdoors, when suddenly, you catch a whiff of something foul, and you realize that your furry friend has been sprayed by a skunk! Running across a skunk at night can be common during the summer months. But unlike a raccoon, which can fight or tackle their opponent, a skunk’s only way to defend itself is to spray. This musk is a form of defence when they feel threatened, and it’s made up of yellow oil that is sprayed directly from their anal scent glands. Skunks tend to live in areas close to other animals, so it’s not uncommon for your dog to come across a skunk. The smell of skunk musk is so pungent that it’s hard to remove and can linger for days on your dog’s fur. Even worse, this smell is unbearable to the human nose! This article will help you understand the problem of skunk encounters and guide you on how to properly de-skunk your furry friend, and it’ll take more than grease-cutting dish detergent to de-skunk Fido.

  • Chemical Composition of Skunk Spray: If you’ve ever encountered a skunk, you’ll know all too well the potent scent of their musk. Skunks produce a chemical composition of spray that contains sulfur-based organic compounds called thiols, giving off an odour that smells like rotten eggs. This spray is discharged from their anal glands, and although they can spray 10-15 feet in distance, the sulphur stench can be detected almost a kilometre away – and it’s not just unwelcome to humans! Skunks use this as a defence mechanism, and potential predators can be put off by the strong smell. Unfortunately, many pets and their owners are not immune to a skunk encounter, and finding a way to get rid of skunk spray odor from fur and skin can be a challenge.
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Immediate Actions

  • Keep Your Dog Outside Immediate actions can make a big difference in minimizing and preventing the odour from spreading. While bringing your pooch indoors immediately may be tempting, it’s best to block access to your home and keep your dog outside for the time being. Skunks will usually retreat after they have sprayed, and it is unlikely that a skunk will spray again that night, as they need time to build up more spray. Since your dog is outside, begin to think about how you will go about the wash and rinse to remove the smell.
  • Check for Injuries: If your pup has been sprayed by a skunk, the first thing on your mind should be checking your beloved pet for any injuries. Skunk sprays can cause temporary blindness if they come into contact with your dog’s eyes, so it’s important to ensure that your furry friend is okay. Once you’ve confirmed that he’s unharmed, it’s time to remove the skunk spray. Hot water and a damp washcloth can effectively remove the smell, but it’s important to remember to be gentle with your pet while you’re doing this. With patience and care, you’ll have your fresh-smelling pet back soon.
  • Avoid Touching Your Dog’s Eyes and Mouth: The spray can irritate. Of course, your first instinct would be to rub the skunk spray on your pooch, but if it’s in your dog’s eyes, you should seek veterinary care ASAP.

De-skunking Your Dog

Homemade Remedies to Help with Removing Skunk Smell

  • Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda Solution: It’s happened to the best of us – your furry pup has had a run-in with a skunk, and now you’re left with a stinky situation. But fear not; there are homemade remedies that could save the day. One popular and effective mixture includes mixing 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, 2 tablespoons of liquid soap, and some hot water. After thoroughly washing your dog with dish detergent, lather them with this solution. Be sure to get their entire body and let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off. Finally, let your pup air dry and add a cup of baking soda to their bath water to further neutralize any lingering odor. With patience and much love, your furry friend will be smelling fresh in no time.
  • Vinegar and Water Rinse: Has your furry friend recently encountered a skunk on their evening stroll? One such solution is a vinegar and water rinse. Mixing white vinegar and water can neutralize skunk odour and help remove the skunk smell altogether. With only a few household items, you could be well on your way to a fresher-smelling pup. So, the next time your dog encounters a skunk, don’t panic. Instead, remember this simple and effective home remedy to help remove skunk odor from your pup.
  • Tomato Juice Myth: You scramble through your cabinets and remember the age-old myth of using tomato juice to rid the stench. But before you waste perfectly good juice, let’s debunk this ‘home remedies’ advice. Tomato juice may temporarily mask the smell but won’t completely remove it. Instead, use home remedies like vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. So give your furry friend a thorough rinse with one of these alternatives and say goodbye to the skunk smell for good.

Commercial Products Used To Rid Of Skunk Smell

  • Skunk Odor Removal Shampoos: Nobody likes the lingering, pungent stench of the skunk’s spray. Fortunately, plenty of over-the-counter products are available to help you eliminate that skunk smell. From shampoos to sprays, these products are specifically designed to tackle the skunk smell removal. While you might be tempted to try DIY remedies, these commercial products are formulated to be more effective and efficient. So the next time you’re unfortunate enough to encounter a skunk, know there is a solution within reach.

  • Enzyme-based Cleaners: Have you ever found yourself trying to eliminate skunk odor from your clothes? Perhaps your dog got into a scuffle, and you were the one that got sprayed, or you accidentally startled one while on a hike. Whatever the case, over-the-counter products are available to help eliminate that strong smell. Skunk spray enzyme-based cleaners are designed to break down the chemicals and tackle the skunk smell. While they can help you remove stains and odours from clothes and other surfaces, it’s important to note that they can’t kill bacteria. Nonetheless, these products provide an effective solution to an unpleasant problem.

Cleaning Your Home

Ventilating the House

  • Open Windows and Doors To allow fresh air to circulate.
  • Use Fans To help dissipate the smell.

Cleaning Surfaces

  • Walls and Floors: Use a mixture of white vinegar and water or a commercial cleaner.

  • Furniture and Fabrics: When dealing with the aftermath of a skunk musk, it’s important to clean any surfaces that may have been affected thoroughly. This includes furniture and fabrics such as couches, chairs, and rugs. Place bowls of vinegar inside your car’s interior. For removable covers or clothes, washing them in regular laundry detergent mixed with vinegar to help remove the skunk smell is best. Fabric sprays or cleaners can also help remove any remaining skunk musk for non-removable parts. It’s important to remember that any contaminated clothing or fabrics should be washed separately in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and regular laundry detergent to ensure the skunk stench is completely gone.

  • Yourself: Nobody wants to be sprayed by a skunk, but unfortunately, it can happen. If you find yourself in this stinky situation, there are a few things you can do to get rid of the smell of your body. One method is to use a deodorant soap for your shower, and a shampoo formulated for oily hair or baby shampoo can also help. Additionally, you can mix 2 to 4 cups of baking soda and water to wash your skin or soak it after showering. Soaking for 30 minutes in a baking soda bath can further assist in eliminating the odour. When finished, be sure to rinse off thoroughly with warm water. These simple tips can help remove the unpleasant skunk spray and leave you smelling fresh again.

Air Purifiers and Deodorizers

  • Air Purifiers: Especially those with activated charcoal filters.
  • Deodorizing Sprays: Products that can help neutralize the odour in the air.
  • Incense Sticks: These fragrant sticks have been known to cut through and help eliminate the smell of skunks.

Preventive Measures

Training Your Dog

  • Avoiding Skunks: Teach your dog to stay away from skunks.
  • Recall Training: Ensuring your dog comes back when called.
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Skunk-proofing Your Yard

Hiring skunk control services is the best approach for getting rid of these smelly pests from your yard, but there are at-home tips to do in the meantime.

  • Remove Food Sources: Skunks are attracted to food.
  • Secure Trash Cans: Make sure they are tightly closed.
  • Install Fencing: To keep skunks out of your yard, you must block their den, which wildlife control companies can help with.

Personal Stories and Case Studies

Real-life Experiences: Stories from dog owners who have dealt with skunk encounters.

The Nightly Adventure

One summer evening, Emily was walking her Golden Retriever, Max, in their neighbourhood park. As they strolled along the path, Max’s nose suddenly shot up in the air, and before Emily could react, he darted into the bushes. Moments later, a skunk emerged, tail raised, and sprayed Max directly. Emily rushed Max home, but the smell was overwhelming. They spent the next few hours in the backyard, applying a homemade de-skunking solution of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap. Emily learned to always keep Max on a shorter leash during evening walks and to avoid areas with dense shrubbery where skunks might hide.

Stay Prepared: Always have a de-skunking solution ready at home, especially if you live in an area where skunks are common. A mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap is highly effective.

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Expert Insights

  • Veterinarian Advice: Professional tips on dealing with skunk encounters.

Keep Your Dog Outside: If your dog gets sprayed, keep them outside to prevent the skunk odor from permeating your home.

  • Animal Behaviorists: Understanding why skunks spray and how to prevent encounters.

Warning Signs: Before spraying, skunks often give warning signs such as stamping their feet, hissing, and raising their tail. Understanding these behaviours can help you recognize when a skunk is about to spray.


Dealing with a skunk dog can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can effectively manage the situation and eliminate the odour from your home. Following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your home and your dog return to their normal, pleasant-smelling selves.

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