Trapping Raccoons vs Raccoon Prevention: What Do Your Thornhill Neighbours Prefer?

Understanding Raccoon Control

Raccoons are everywhere in Thornhill, rummaging through trash or showing up uninvited in backyards. They may look cute but these clever critters can cause big damage to homes and property. Whether it’s torn garbage bags or unwanted attic guests, the question is: what do you do? Many in Thornhill are torn between trapping and prevention. Both have their pros and cons but only one gives you peace of mind. Let’s get into it.

Trapping Raccoons, Raccoon Trap
Trapping Raccoons, Raccoon Trap

Raccoon Behaviour

Raccoons are nocturnal, adaptable and resourceful. They love urban environments like Thornhill because of the food and shelter. Garbage bins, attics and sheds are their happy places. Understanding their behaviour is key to solving the problem.

Thornhill with its greenery and suburban feel is a raccoon paradise. They are attracted to unsecured trash, pet food left outside and open entry points into homes.

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Raccoon Temperament and Habitat

Raccoons are intelligent, carnivorous creatures that belong to the family Procyonidae. Known for their nocturnal habits, these adaptable animals can become quite a nuisance when scavenging for food in garbage cans or invading homes. Thornhill, with its mix of urban and suburban environments, provides an ideal habitat for these resourceful critters.

Raccoons are excellent climbers, often found in trees, attics, or chimneys. Their dexterous hands and sharp memory allow them to master and remember complex tasks, such as opening doors, unlatching garbage cans, and peeling away roof shingles. Attracted to food sources like pet food, bird seed, and compost piles, raccoons can cause significant property damage if not addressed promptly.

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Brampton Animal Removal Services - Baby Raccoon Removal
Brampton Animal Removal Services – Baby Raccoon Removal

Raccoon Reproduction and Babies

Female raccoons typically give birth to a litter of 2-8 cubs every spring, with an average of four. The gestation period lasts about two months, and the raccoon babies are born blind and helpless. However, they develop quickly under the care of their mother, who teaches them essential survival skills like foraging and climbing.

Raccoon babies usually stay with their mother for about a year, learning how to navigate their environment. If you suspect a raccoon problem, it’s crucial to address it promptly, as the presence of babies can complicate the situation. Professional raccoon removal services are essential for ensuring that both the mother and her babies are removed safely and humanely.

When trapping raccoons, it’s vital to consider the presence of babies. If a mother raccoon is caught, it’s important to check for babies in the surrounding area, as they may be hidden in a nest or den. Professional raccoon removal services can help ensure that the babies are safely removed and reunited with their mother.

In addition to removing raccoons, taking steps to prevent future invasions is essential. This includes securing your property, removing attractants, and using deterrents like motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic-repellent devices. By understanding raccoon behavior and taking proactive measures, you can help prevent raccoon problems and protect your property.

Trapping Raccoons: Effective Trap Placement

Trapping is the first solution people think of when they have a raccoon problem. A raccoon trap captures the animals without harming them so you can relocate them. It is important to check the trap regularly to ensure the raccoon is not left in distress. Professional wildlife removal services can do this for you and ensure the animals are treated humanely.

When setting up a trap, it is crucial to follow each trap’s unique instructions for effective trapping.

Trapping Benefits:

  • Quick Fix: Trapping gives you immediate results like removing the raccoon from your property.
  • Good for Isolated Issues: If you have one or two raccoons causing trouble, trapping might seem like the easiest option.

But trapping has its drawbacks. It can be expensive, $200 to $500 per removal. And there’s the legality issue—relocating raccoons in Ontario is heavily regulated to prevent spreading diseases.

Raccoon Prevention

Unlike trapping, prevention stops the problem before it starts. This proactive approach means securing your property and removing the raccoon attractants.

Prevention Benefits:

  • Long-Term Results: Prevention addresses the root of the raccoon problem, reducing the chances of future issues.
  • Cost Effective: While the initial investment in reinforced garbage bins or sealing entry points may seem expensive, it will save you money in the long run.

Examples of prevention methods are securing garbage lids, installing motion activated lights and sealing entry points in your home. Many Thornhill residents find prevention less stressful than dealing with raccoon invasions.

Cost Comparison: Trapping vs Prevention

When it comes to cost, trapping and prevention are different. Trapping has ongoing costs for each removal while prevention is a one time cost in most cases.

Both will cost you money but prevention is often the more cost effective in the long run.

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Legal and Ethical Considerations

In Ontario, there are strict regulations around trapping and relocating raccoons. Relocated raccoons often struggle to survive in new environments, that’s an ethical issue. Prevention is humane wildlife control by not harming at all.

Environmental Impact and Raccoon Damage of Both

Trapping and prevention methods have different environmental impact. Trapping removes individual raccoons from their environment, can disrupt the balance of the local wildlife. Raccoons help control insect populations and disperse seeds, so their absence can affect the ecosystem.

Prevention maintains this balance by deterring raccoons without removing them from their natural habitat. By securing food sources and limiting shelter opportunities you can live with these animals and minimize the environmental impact.


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raccoon removal using a one-way door
raccoon removal using a one-way door

Prevention Methods Your Neighbors Love

Many Thornhill residents use these simple and effective raccoon prevention methods:

  1. Secure Garbage Bins: Use lockable, raccoon proof garbage bins to keep trash out of reach.
  2. Remove Food Sources: Bring pet food inside and don’t leave scraps outside.
  3. Seal Entry Points: Check your home for gaps, holes or weak spots where raccoons can enter, especially around attics and basements.
  4. Motion Activated Deterrents: Lights, sprinklers or sound emitters will scare raccoons away without harming them.
  5. Natural Repellents: Substances like ammonia soaked rags or predator urine will deter raccoons from coming near your property.

These methods will keep raccoons away and improve your overall property security.

Professional Services: When to Call the Experts for Raccoon Removal

Sometimes you can’t tackle a raccoon problem on your own. That’s when professional wildlife control services come in. They can handle both trapping and prevention with specialized equipment and expertise.

Professional Services Benefits:

  • Fast: Professionals know where to look and can implement solutions quickly.
  • Safety: Handling wild animals like raccoons is dangerous. Experts minimize the risk to you and your family.
  • Holistic Solutions: Many services offer bundled plans that combine trapping with prevention for long term results.

When choosing a wildlife control company look for licensed professionals with good reviews and transparent pricing.

Why Prevention is Thornhill’s Favourite

Prevention has become the popular choice for many Thornhill residents. Why? It’s a sustainable solution to a chronic problem. By deterring raccoons instead of removing them, homeowners can have peace of mind without the recurring problems.

Local success stories show how prevention works. One Thornhill homeowner said that securing garbage bins and sealing attic vents eliminated raccoon problems in weeks. Prevention solves problems and feels good for the environment.

Challenges of Prevention: Is it foolproof?

While prevention has its advantages, it’s not foolproof. Some raccoons are persistent and will find a way to get to food or shelter despite your efforts. Severe infestations may require a combination of trapping and prevention to work.

And prevention requires maintenance. For example motion activated lights need working batteries and sealed entry points may need to be reinforced over time. Stay vigilant to keep prevention methods effective.

Raccoon Control Tips

DIY Prevention Tips:

  • Inspect your property regularly after storms or renovations.
  • Clean up your yard to remove nesting materials like wood piles or debris.
  • Lock pet doors at night to prevent raccoons from getting in.

Safe Trapping Tips:

  • Use humane live traps for raccoons.
  • Check traps often to avoid stressing the animal.
  • Follow local regulations for trap placement and animal handling.
  • Placing a blanket over the trap can help keep the raccoon calm before it is moved for release.

Now you have a plan to raccoon proof your property.

Both Methods: A Balanced Approach

In some cases, a combination of both methods works best. For example trapping can remove an aggressive raccoon causing immediate problems while prevention measures will prevent new ones from taking its place.

Thornhill residents have used this balanced approach with success. One homeowner used a live trap to catch a particularly pesky raccoon while installing motion activated sprinklers to deter future intrusions. This worked for both short term and long term.

Conclusion: What’s the best for Thornhill?

When it comes to raccoon control prevention is the clear winner for Thornhill residents. While trapping gives you immediate results it doesn’t address the root of the problem. Prevention saves you money in the long run and is humane and environmentally friendly.

By investing in prevention methods and getting professional help when needed you can have a raccoon free home and a healthy balance in the ecosystem. So what do your Thornhill neighbours do? The answer is clear: prevention is the way to go!


  1. Are raccoons dangerous to humans or pets? Raccoons can carry diseases like rabies and leptospirosis. Avoid direct contact with them.
  2. What do I do if I see a raccoon in my home? Stay calm and don’t confront the animal. Seal off the area if you can and call a wildlife control service.
  3. Is it legal to trap raccoons in Thornhill? Trapping is legal but regulated. Check local laws and guidelines before you trap.
  4. How much does professional raccoon removal or prevention cost? Services range from $200 to $1,000 depending on the situation and solutions.
  5. Can raccoons come back after prevention? Yes if you don’t maintain it. Regular inspections and updates to your prevention methods are key to long term success.
  6. How often should I check my raccoon trap? It is important to check traps frequently to ensure that an animal trapped, such as a raccoon, does not remain confined for too long. This helps to prevent distress to the animal and ensures humane treatment. Additionally, handle the trap carefully and be aware of legal considerations regarding the relocation of trapped animals.
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